Since Tesla and other brands, such as Toyota and BMW, opted for fully electric models, a movement has emerged against cars in this new category powered by those who want to be called «purists» of the motor world and those interested in protecting The German automotive industry.

They have all asked themselves the same question: is the electric car really an aid to the environment as they are selling us? Does it pollute less than an internal combustion car?

In this debate the German economist Hans-Werner Sinn enters, who through the collaboration of German scientists Christoph Buchal and Hans-Dieter Karl compared the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere of the Mercedes-Benz C220d Bluetech and the young son of the brand of the T, the Model 3.

In this study we try to show that the car of the brand of the star comes to consume between 11-28% less in its useful life than the Model 3. It should be noted that in this study only CO2 emissions were taken into account, forgetting the remains of other particles such as NOx that also help the formation of the ozone layer.

In response to this study, the voice of Auke Hoekstra, Senior Advisor Electric Mobility of Eindhoven University, was raised.

Hoekstra’s response criticized the non-consideration of other gases emitted by diesel engines, as we discussed earlier.

To this discrepancy of opinions, we must add if really the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is based only on vehicles. To manufacture an electric vehicle and a diesel one, basically the same amount of CO2 is emitted, although in the case of Tesla the figure is minimized thanks to its Gigafactory that uses renewable energy sources. In the same way that in the manufacture of internal combustion engines and lithium batteries have a very similar effect.

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